Friday, April 2, 2010

X = F – ((H*(A))/B) The Friday Time Theorem

The Friday Time Theorem

I know you are all sitting there wondering why the day is dragging by. This is simple. It is because of the Friday Time Dilation effect.

Simply stated as H, representing the Hour, approaches the event horizon, F, where F represents the time you can leave work, safely for all values. Time starts to slow down. That's right folks as Time gets closer to the end of the day, time does slow down.

I put it all into this handy question.

X = F – ((H*(A))/B)

F = Emancipation Time
H = Time, usually minute or hours approachig
A = Level of want for it to be F, I call it the Slacker Factor
B = Busy Factor
X = The level of time distortion

Genius isn’t it. And yes you are correct. What this means is that B, the Busy Factor also has an influence on the passage of time.

Now I don’t want to get into the fact of explaining if time we are dealing with here is A(T) actual time, or R(T) Reality time,

Or as I like to call it the Ixtli affect of intelligence on the local environment of space/time. That is for another day.

You can make it!


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