Friday, April 16, 2010

Clan. Clan? Clan!

Clan is a group of people united by actual or perceived kinship and descent. Even if actual lineage patterns are unknown, clan members may nonetheless recognize a founding member or apical ancestor. The kinship-based bonds may be merely symbolical in nature, whereby the clan shares a "stipulated" common ancestor that is a symbol of the clan's unity.”

That’s a textbook example of a clan.

Many people have asked me what I mean by Clan, I thought I would share my ideas. Friendship is one thing, but I hold a level higher than that. Clan.

Simply stated I consider my Clan to be people that ARE my family, even though we are not blood related!. For me it has to do with Love I guess. These people I do love, like I love my flesh and blood. A little more intimate than friendship or acquaintance. Though I guess people who have “Best Friends” might feel similarly with them. Erzul.

The problem in my case arises in Who is in a Clan and who is not. Lets just say that if you have to ask… well that’s a big indicator right there.

I DO enjoy friendship with many people, and enjoy their company, but with Clan it’s like if its my Mother or Brother. It’s a grander level of kinship. I would move ocean and earth for them if I could. I have a vestaded interest in their welfare. Their pain is my pain. My joy is their joy.

“You should never be in company that you wouldn’t want to die with”Duncan Idaho.

Duly put Duncan.

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