Wednesday, May 5, 2010

All I want to find is a decent Cape! Is that so hard to ask?

For some time now I have been trying to find a certain garment. A cloak or cape.

No not for Halloween or anything. But to wear about town. You see much like the cowboy hat or scabbard on the belt, I am trying to bring the Cape back into everyday fashion.

The cape is a grand garment, it invokes in a person a sense of dignity, odes to history and a time of honor, and it well just looks fething cool.

Seems strange to see a guy wearing a cape and a cowboy hat? Shit I see people walking around with those stupid ass looking Mohawks now so why is a cape strange? I mean if I had a Mohawk like those guys wear now I would have been laughed out of town in the 90s. Okay so maybe I was, F U C K you high school. Anyway back to the capes.

My problem has been trying to procure the right type of cape. There are many types, the cloak, the cape, different eras to consider, fabric, types of hang to consider. How will it match my clothes….

Ideally I want a Lando Calrissian cape, but the bedoiun styled desert cloak is kind of appealing. Old school Victorian Era? Not sure. I guess I need to procure a nice decorative cane as well.

Procuring a cape/cloak is another HUGE problem. I cant find a decent one to save my life. The ones you get online are iffy at best, I want something of real fabric and nice construction. The costume type stuff on the internet is not going to do. Might have to find a good tailor.


A yes bedouin style!

I think we have a winner!

Good design but I might go with a darker color, black or dark blue

Fremen style

Would like to see more of these in Fashion

Now this is pretty damn amazing. The Moorish Prince.

Really would like this one. Pretty good for an upscale kind of look

Okay will keep you posted on the progress of my search.

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