Monday, March 29, 2010

An introduction? "I am not sure how it will go" - Guild Navigator

Well multiple people have told me to start a blog. As I value their opinion I thought I would at least give it a try. I doubt any good will come of this however.

What will I do here?

Post random topics and chat about them mostly.

I do have some serial stuff in mind I want to repeat, like Movies I watched, Grifts and Grift techniques, a lot of pseudo intellectual bullfeth I like to pretend is philosophy. Music. My Dream Log, Q & A., Recommends, Women. Schemes. Rants lot of rants.

Probably post some pics and interesting articles. “Note to Self: Do a blog about Wikipedia.”

There will be a lot of rants…..

1 comment:

  1. I don't read many blogs, but I have a feeling I will be reading this one. Who DOESN'T need grifting tips?
