Okay time for a little Kei Katan download. Ah! But focused on what? What I am entertaining myself with of course. What I like to call my party list.
Jakarutu hit me rather hard so I have faltered in my duties to this blog. But I hope I can turn it around. Went through a particularly bad patch but I might be fine now. Its turning.
So let’s start off Party List with….
Food and Mead
Garibaldi’s – Restaurant of purest Sex
Cucumbers - Favorite snack food of month
9” Cheese Steak Deluxe – Most Satisfying meal of the week
LTD – “Best start to weekend” beverage/liquor
WildBlue – Surprisingly tasty desert-like beer that can secretly mess you the F up!
Guava Nectar, Generic Brand - Nectar of the Magical Healing
Cake Donot Holes, cinnamon – Unhealthy Treat most addicted to currently
With the Magic Defeated…..and that Adulterer having another ring…. I am finally done with Basket Ball.
Ah but then….. World Cup began. And thanks to Univision’s streaming I can watch it. Sadly I may have to take off days of work to enjoy it. (They watch bandwidth and other stats here). – update. Enjoyed World Cup this year. Missed a lot of games cause of work. I may do a world cup centric post. I will be downloading some of the matches to re-watch on those rainy afternoons.
Lost Done…. And Flash Forward cancelled. My movie/television/video entertainment front was looking really grim. (On some levels)
Almost done with my rewatching of Babylon 5 (all seasons, doubt I will do the movies though). Sometimes I watch an episode a day. Other times I will mini marathon and knock out a whole disk. Always forget the quality of the show, until I watch it again. Great plotting in the story arcs, and fantastic one shot stories in between. I have a super crush on Lyta Alexander. (I wonder how old she is now)
Last movie I saw in theatres is uh…
Iron Man 2.
Overall a good movie. Suffers from stage II, sequalitius tho. Namely too many plots, too much going on. So you get the feel of sensory overload. But in this case all of the stuff is actually good and entertaining. Loved Whiplash, pretty good villain, really loved the Monaco scene. So, Gwyn Paltro is cool, (Her mom is hotter than her though) and then we have TL slayer Scarlett Johansson, she’s almost to potent….though I might also be in love with Robert Downey Junior too, now that I think about. The scene with his father really stood out for me, in contrast to the scene with whiplashes dang. Good stuff.
Now I usually don’t have too many movies I am anticipating or that I even see. (Nope even with free dowloads available I am not tempted to see most movies) But there are some coming out I would like to see.
Inception is that movie. Bit Leonardo DiCaprio minion too, always does a good job in his movies and Joseph Gordon-Levitt is in it too, hope the kid does good.
Next month is Scott Pilgrim vs the World. Not really a fan of Cena casting (though I will always like him cause of Arrested Development, though he gets tiresome sometimes), but because I like the source material I will be watching it. Knives Chau!!! :P
Expendables is coming out too but I fear it might just suck….. Sometimes multi-superstar movies don’t do well. Ocean’s Eleven did but hmmm this movie is giving me that “EEEEEEN” feeling
Anime & Manga
Been real slack on this front. Haven’t even read Naruto or One Piece in a week or so.
Writing has been hammer slammed for a long time now. I have very much fallen into chicanery. When work is heavy it wears on my brain and it shuts down. Oddly when I am emotionally distress (IE hammer slammed by a women) I write better. But work has the opposite effect. It gums up the pipes, the more tedious the work, the worse it is. Twitter is fine. But it’s terrible for concerted writing efforts. During my bout with Jakarutu I couldn’t even write in my blog. And what’s more I have to get done with the damn job first, which can take weeks. It’s like a mental barrier I cant get past. But I am trying.
I have started on my Nexus story. Got a good flow going. Also created a new story universe the Heroes Return universe. Details to come. Got a lot of stories planned for it.
Will I ever reach the point of completing a story and trying to self publish it? Not sure. I seem to be able to come up with
I actually been on internet an internet hiatus since the July 4th holiday. Felt good to take a twitter break especially. Hmm stumbled upon some cool little sites. Here are a few
-Of particular note is about the sacking of Baghdad by the Mongols and how it has forever changed the nature and face of the middle east. They have not recovered TO THIS DAY. The Mongols reign is incredibly interesting and I recommend you look into their history.
- Super weapon geek article debuncting myths about the Barret .50 Cal sniper rifle...
- If the expendables movie starred only women. Pretty good list.
- An interest Mike Tyson interview
- Top Ten Worst Online Dating Archetypes. A good article. I HAVE met some of them and I am a few of them. (Can you guess which ones….)
For an experiment during all personal e-mails I decided I would only send picture responses. It was quite fun. So I ended up doing that and motivationals….
My favorite creation this week
Kei Katan?
Okay that’s it so far these last few weeks. I will check in again. I am gonna get this thing rolling a
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