I have been asked “Hey TL you say you like taking Pain Pills though! So why do you act like you like pain so muc?”
Not a bad question actually. But see because two things are opposite does not mean that they necessarily in conflict.
I do like Pain Pills, quite a bit actually. But I don’t take Pain Pills when I am in pain. Why would you do something foolish like that! What a waste of a good OXY (~_~)!
Now I do like Pain, or should I say I do like certain types of pain. I have Sickle Cell Anemia so I have experienced many levels of pain, in many different places. After experiencing the worst of pain other types take on a new meaning, a new type of intensity.
The Pain/Pleasure line is quite thin in some cases. It’s all about brain programming.
Certain sensations are worth experiencing for themselves. We run from sensations sometimes without trying to analyze them, appreciate them. Appreciate what our body is trying to tell us. There are so many different colors of pain, I’ve experienced quite a variety.
Hmmm don’t have a good ending so Cheers Mates! (b^_^)b
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