I have a few different paradigms that I follow in my life. Almost to the point of confusion. Of these the main four I follow is The Weirding Way (Marquee of the Inner Eye), My Ninja way, The Grifters Code, and the Path of the Trickster.
I plan on going indept on each of these pardigms at some point as time allows. First up is my Ninja way. I have had many teachers in my life, of my favorites was my old Sensei who tough me of his Ninja way, “On the Lathe of Shadows” loosely translation.
As all students do upon graduation. I have modified my code with what I have learned in my own growth. There is more to a Ninja way than the swinging of a katana (A common misnomer is that Ninja even use katanas). It is a way of thinking and a way of life. Here are some basics of my Ninja code.
1.) Always Attack From the Shadows
2.) Never Reveal a potential weakness to an Opponent
3.) Misdirection, Misdirection, Misdirection
4.) The most deadly weapon in an arsenal is a sharp Mind
5.) In a duel, keep your eye on the knife-fighter not the knife
6.) Use smoke to conceal your movements
7.) When going on a mission minimize all emissions and leave no trace
8.) Lead along one track and slip in the shocker from another
9.) Never reveal all of your secrets, even to your own apprentice.
10.) Always have a Plan, a back-up plan, a contingency plan, and an emergency plan.
11.) A strong rival keeps your skills sharp.
12.) In a fight, only expect what happens in the fight, that way you are never surprised.
13.) If possible the use of a dummy is ideal
14.) Decapitate the head and the body withers
15.) It is more honorable to accomplish the mission than to surrender to pride.
16.) Act from a position of stillness. Though the storm rages, in the center you must act from a position of calm focus
17.) Scout your target, it does not matter if it takes 1 day or 1 year. Proper planning is key
18.) The stronger will prevails not the strongest weapon
There are more. And I will be going in depth on the details of these principles and the thought process behind them at a later date.
“A true ninja can move through a crowd with no more disturbance to that system than a stray oscillation of a sand particle. This is what you MUST strive for.” – My Sensei. <3
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