Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Even the infinite can be tamed?

"Even the infinite can be tamed" - TL as he awoke to the lightning-strike


Making the Impossible Possible through anchoring?

Perhaps the infinite can be tamed but not tamed in that usual way, but more like confided within limits. Yes I think the infinite or unknown can be “confined” or at least made into a form that one can grasp a hold of it.

Making it real? (~_~)????

To begin I propose that even an impossible, improbable, or even unthought-of concept can be made to be real. At least within the confinds of a person’s abstract intello-rational universe.

This was a concept I thought of upon awaking from deep sleep and in a semi-delirious state of consciousness. Sadly I did not write down the ideas that were flooding my mind. Had to recreate this through my half remembrance (about a week ago, so the idea explosion was strong enough to make a lasting impression) and cryptic notes I left for myself on twitter.

This hypothetical method of framing reality came about while I was considering a metaphysical concept. I want to go into later.

I found that when I approached a concept that had no possibility of limit or of even existing, if one can create a idea framework to hold it, even, or perhaps especially if it is linked to the concept from another already established framework, it can be made to be potentially possible.

Did that make any sense?

I would like to point out that this potentially-possible has sufficient realness and energy, if only potential energy of course.

Next the potentially-possible concept then has sufficient real heaped onto it to actually cause an existence gravity well.

Say, if we add enough already tangible concepts and link them to the potientially-possible, perhaps it can be given constraints. Perhaps it can gain substance. Is weighed down sufficiently to be made tangible itself. Which is were I came up with the term Reality Anchor.

Imagine for instance, that one cant hold the infinite or impossible. But perhaps, just perhaps, if one can add an anchor or hand hold onto it. It can then be grasped onto!

So something that is entirely not possible, or improbable, or infinite and immeasurable is saddled with a reality anchor or a relative measurement assigned to it. Now the indefinable or infinite has been assigned a relative measurement quantity that can be used to understand the thing. Thus rendering it partially-possible within the concepts of the idea framework.

Example: Lets say one can not measure distance because distance does not exist or is unfathomable. Through deriving some other concept someone thinks to link their tangential idea to distance. Giving it a unit of measure. Length! Now the thing is defined and can be looked at without it disappearing in front of your eyes because you cant wrap your brain around it initially.

A gravity well is created for illusive concepts trapping them in a idea framework that allows them to be inspected!

That is what I am trying to accomplish with this theorem. A way to make possible, impossible concepts by giving them reality anchors tying them to the laws of this universe. If one can think of a thing, then that thing is real or possible! At least in the theoretical universe inside our heads. Which depending on how you look at it is as real as the psychical world with its psychical laws. In so far as an idea does exist and is a tangible spectrum of reality.


I hope to further explore these concepts at a latter time or epiphany, which experience tells me, will come if I continue to think of it.

Causing a wave to convert into a particle by placing it under observation as I like to say. (~_^)

(These ideas came back to me as I was trying to remember the dream, and as I was trying to rewrite it. Incredible! At first when I was thinking it it didn’t make sense to me, then it did make sense to me, and then it didn’t, then when I drafted this blog post it did start making sense again. TRUE STORY. Actually after I publish this it may very well cease to make sense again.)


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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Any of you have TV shows that you want me to NOT watch?

Mourning for the Fallen.


Yes, I am thee Black Cat of Television. Any show I watch and start to really like gets cancelled or only makes it to season 2. Over the years I have cause the death of some greats.

To this day I regret what I did to shows like 4400, Arrested Development Firefly, Wonderfalls, Sarah Conner Chronicles…. To name a few. I didnt really commit to watch Lost till the last 2 seasons so that made it out. Surprisingly BSG lasted a long time to, but that’s cause I stopped subscribing to cable, thus saving it. It was a miracle we got Space above and Beyond for as long as we did. Thanks for little miracles.

Sadly I had decided to start to watch Stargate Universe, just mearly decided to watch it. Alas its fate has been sealed as some of you now know.

I ask your forgiveness for these things. They weigh heavily on my soul.

If you have any shows you want me to NOT watch please email me @

Also let us take a moment of silence and offer up kind thoughts to those mighty heroes who have fallen because of my negligence.

Arrested Development
Space Above and Beyond
Freaks and Geeks
Tick (Live Action series)
Pushing Daisies
The Riches
Party Down
Veronica Mars
Dead Like Me
Brisco County Jr. (Yes that was me even back then)
Wolverine and the X-Men
Invader Zim
Sleeper Cell
Knights of Propserity
New Amsterdam
Blade the Series
El Tigre
Greg the Bunny
Johnny Zero
Space Above and Beyond
American High
Book of Daniels
Stargate Universe

(Also I express sorrow that I didn’t watch Heroes sooner, I would have gladly given it a mercy killing)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Human’s really that advanced? And a thoughts on sentience.

This is a concept that I have pondered over a bit every now and then….

It deals with the idea of humanity as a really advanced species. I think this is a fallacy of us humans, (No surprise, us being largely egocentric creatures). But not in the way you might be thinking. What I am thinking about is that we are like the blank computer.

Take all of our accomplishments in the last 100 years. It would appear that our creations are in a way transitory, due more to mediums and teachings than the actually advancement of human mind. The idea or as I call it a knowledge construct, also known as a meme, was really the factor that propelled us to ascendancy on this planet.

Could it be that human’s are really one step away from backsliding down into savagery? Take away our technology and our knowledge and are we still so advanced as related to other creatures on this planet? Really it’s at a certain point is it just our transfer of recorded knowledge moving forward. How to explain this…. at a certain point inventions and technology and all we make is just ideas transferred from the starting source. Human knowledge is then sort of part virus and part operating system, in how it spreads and grows. It infects the blank brain and then builds constructs in the brain to store the knowledge we have attained in our relatively short time on Earth.

I wonder if we as humans are just the platform that can contain sentience. An uneducated human living in the wild without any teaching, is he the same as one who was raised in civilization? Will he form societies like our ancient cityfounders did or just instinctual tribal groups? All the knowledge and flukes we discovered lost for all time.

If not, we are no different than feral cats, except in our ability to store and generate knowledge constructs, and the capacity to hold that ability, and the luck that it happened. A scary thought. Does this mean then that in reality sentience might be a fluke of a nature? Which brings me to thinking about sentience.

Imagine that first proto-sentient human. He would be smart enough to figure shit out surely, but at most he is a sum of his instincts with some reasoning throw in. But that does not really make sentience or does it? What happens when on the off chance the human realizes that he is alive. How would that be to the first blank slate? Would it be like coming up out of the depths of the pool. At first it is blurry and murky and then everything is clear. “I think therefore I am.”

But then how does one elevate your clan mates to that level of active reasoning from the reactive brain state? Is it then not a matter of meme, but a natural occurrence that we become sentient?

Are there Animal Humans and Awakened Humans.... I don’t know were I stand as of yet though, ideas?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Neutral Good huh?

I Am A: Neutral Good Human Ranger (4th Level)

Ability Scores:







Neutral Good A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. However, neutral good can be a dangerous alignment because it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capable.

Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.

Rangers are skilled stalkers and hunters who make their home in the woods. Their martial skill is nearly the equal of the fighter, but they lack the latter's dedication to the craft of fighting. Instead, the ranger focuses his skills and training on a specific enemy a type of creature he bears a vengeful grudge against and hunts above all others. Rangers often accept the role of protector, aiding those who live in or travel through the woods. His skills allow him to move quietly and stick to the shadows, especially in natural settings, and he also has special knowledge of certain types of creatures. Finally, an experienced ranger has such a tie to nature that he can actually draw on natural power to cast divine spells, much as a druid does, and like a druid he is often accompanied by animal companions. A ranger's Wisdom score should be high, as this determines the maximum spell level that he can cast.

Find out What Kind of Dungeons and Dragons Character Would You Be?, courtesy of Easydamus (e-mail)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

TL's Folly. You think you're the worst but your not Zerg Replays.

*Man with dejected eyes sits by the camp fire*

"Have a seat lads. Ol' TL here is gonna tell you all some good old fashioned fables of bad times and good times. Heroes. And terrible scouting, horrible play and matches of pure hilarity and ultimate sadness."

"But why unkie TL?”

“Why You ask... so you can learn from the mistakes of the past my friends. TL's folly"



(I just suffered a horrible lost.... kind of broke my heart. Turned into the catalyst for finally uploading my replays.)

I will post them here so that you can see, that you are not in fact that bad. Prepare for replays of Terrible APM, Non-existent laughable scouting, microphobia, and complacent macro. There are always some one worse than you my friends. But heck you might even learn something!

The real horror? Some of these are wins.


What is Star Craft 2?

For the un-initiated, SC2 is a real-time strategy game. It’s very demanding. The multitasking alone is quite taxing on the brain. But the rush of building and controlling your units is unlike any other gaming experience out there. There is technique involved, strategy, tactics, reactions.

Its like Chess on Steroids. 3 races each with unique units and abilities and buildings, you then go up against the other races or the dreaded mirror match up. The game has a story mode, but the true allure is testing your skills online versus other opponents. I am a bronze level player, the lowest level. I get beat a lot but the game is so fun that I LOVE it even when I am struggling. Sometimes tough battles do exhaust the heck out of me and depress me a little. Because many times it’s because I made stupid mistakes that cost me the game, or at least the chance to do good in that game match.


Oh joy! Proxy Rax distraction (,_, ) totally throws TL into off balance sloppy play - October 19, 2010

So I send out a overlord to get a looksie at his base. Somehow somewhere in between this interval he snuck a SCV into my base. Takes me totally of guard. Somehow I exize him. Then finish my expansions. He tries more pushes but then I get Corrupters and finally Broodlords. Sloppy Macro them and some how manage to win.

BUT!!!! SPECIAL SURPRISE: Opponent GGs. Hmmm, but thankfully I was so engrossed in my Broodlords grinding his base I dont exit right away. Then I realize he is still in the game and go hunting. Good thing I usually dont just end my games.

Moral of the Story?: FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THATS GOOD TL USE A PROBE TO SWEEP THE BASE. And its cool to always check that map even if they GG.


Worst Zerg Play that actually won a game - October 20, 2010

Standard TL Build (AKA no plan and no scouting) led to a devastating Void Ray attack. Some how managed to keep it together by Turtling with the Zerg. YES turling. Other player was so out of it too he stayed air after I walled off and ended up spending himself out on the defenses. The poor soul.

Why no scouting? I think I figured I could just static defend until I got enough macro to start major pushes. Of course VR come in and my attention is so poo poo I dont even save my workers.

Moral of the Story?: Scout!! And dont trust your static defenses. The enemy can sneak into your base through the smallest margins. He would of won too if he had scouted my Spore Colony traps [yeah yeah I meant to do it..... (~_~) ]


Of all my battles and losses. This loss hurt me the most. – 10.21.10 (Ended 1230AM)
The Epic battle of Macro failure.

This was a grueling 1hour and 45 minute game that ended in a really bitter defeat for me.

After earlier losses that day I was doing pretty darn well mentally. Got my expansions down, timing was alright in the beginning. I had my overlords outside scouting his base so I could see when he pushed up. (LOVE patrol function)

I saw he was turtling so I even managed to research drop. I thought I was so cute with those drops. Even had a good army. Which I proceeded to piss away. My static defenses were rather nice also. Since I figured the Air attack was coming. Messed up again by not scouting properly. Managed to pick up 2 more bases. I though I was doing well. Even managed to stop a few raids. Lost my initial base but I had smartly (FOR ONCE) remembered to build backup structures so I could keep producing units.

My main problem I think was ineffectual attacks. I had some good pushes but I attacked expansions when I should have attacked key structures at his main. Not enough harassment at all. Damn looking back on it I just cringe I didn’t know what I was thinking. I guess I was so glad to be in late stages of the game finally, after

I was also filled with over-confidence. I thought because I had 5 bases, with tons of queens I could just attack and outproduce him. Then totally forgot about 1 of his expansions. The Battlecruiser attacks just cost me too much too even if I defeated them. Then before I knew it I had spent myself into the grave, when that’s what I wanted to do to him. SO MANY ADVANTAGES I HAD, I PISSED AWAY.

In the end tried some fancy (I.E. sloppy) spore crawler and spine crawler tricks because I didn’t have enough units to attack anymore. Though maybe finally he ran out of money only to be surprised by a 4 Battlecruiser force.

Finally I conceded. Of all my battles this one broke me a little, because if I had applied pressure instead of being complacent I could bust his force with Brood Lords and Corrupters I might have won. Really messed up on upgrades too. Definitely shouldnt have let him have carte blanche in terms of building what ever he wanted either. It was quite a learning experience in any case. And one of the most epic battles I have had in my short and volatile career.

Moral of the Story?: Even though Zerg are Macro-delicious and you think you have a lead don’t get Complacent. Resources are not finite. Harass, Scout especially late game. Don’t let them gain momentum.

Kei Katan – 10.21.10

Kei Katan - “What is up?” - Kalaykan codetalk. (rough translation)


So what have I been up to lately?


TL’s Law of Conservation of Energy.

For the most part I have not done a lot of anything. Lots of rest and some gaming since I have free time (more on that later). I have done some reading. Got a few good books from the library. Writing (EXTREMELY minor. Damn this prison sequence….writers road block.) I have downloaded a few new shows to watch. Started doing some walking out at night in the cool Florida weather too… Until I realized that my neighbors let their semi large dog loose at night and without a lease so had to cancel my favorite route. This disrupted my patterns and now I am inactive once more until I find an alternate. Gave up on taking care of my pool. It was costing too much to maintain in terms of chemicals and cleaning so its officially closed for the season. (-_-) Had some good times with her.

(P.S. Fall and Winter in Florida is some of the best weather in the United States of America. Period. Nothing can beat it.)

Started getting more and more into Star Craft 2 online play. Which is going okay in terms of having fun but not in terms of me doing actually good. (subsequent blog to follow)

There is a cat I am thinking about adopting who hangs around my job. He is cool but also annoying with all his damn chatter. It’s what makes me like him and hate him at the same time. He is not a wild cat. I think just someone’s domestic that got loose a while back and has been surviving in the wild. Using guide I got him used to me and now he is sort of overly friendly with me. He is kind of an ass though, demanding, and he talks too much too. (A perfect match huh.) Sorry ladies looks like I don’t need a girlfriend now. (-.-)


And so the ship sinks.

Never did a job post about this but. Well a few weeks ago I was alerted to the fact that our office is loosing money. In an effort to not let everyone go they reduced us down to 3 days a week. At first I was quite overjoyed as I had hoped for something like it to happen. (At first I wished for a 4 day work week. At a 20% paycut I still wouldnt have to do anything extra to stay afloat maybe have to cut out a stripclub visit or 2. Give up drugs and drinking to every other day) But a 40% pay cut is kind of bleh. I will be able to keep up my rent and power. Might end up paying my car note like every 2 months though. Feth debt. I can handle debt standing on my head (What can they do ship me to a foreign colony of Georgia… sorry US but there are no new lands to settle). I had hoped we would get some work for the company by now, but its 3 weeks into this and I think we wont. At the end of October there is definitely going to be layoff. I think it will be me too.

THE BRIGHTSIDE! There are jobs out there in my field, which is ironic in that those are the jobs I don’t want to do again. I want to do something new. A janitor job or something where I can be active. Hmm if I do get kicked out of my house I might be able to become a servant at Alistair and Shannon’s house in exchange for Room and board. Which might work out as I can focus on my writing too.

Also another benefit of the 3-day work week. LOTS of free time. I have caught up on my reading and gaming and anime. I have had pletty of time to get doctor appointments and admin stuff as well. And taken time for vacations.


Under the knife.

Aye. TL has had a few implants lately. My datajack and reflex augmenters are running nicely. Recently underwent some LONG awaited oral surgery too. Got my chompers fixed. Haven’t told anyone at work other than my Apprentice. Want to see if anyone will notice and actually have the guts to bring it up. I know they knew I had bad teeth problems before but never said anything. Be interesting. Cant wait to see if my friends really like em though. My Uma is happy. Gums are still sore. Been healing for weeks. Still cant really eat hard stuff yet. Oh got prescribed some REALLY nice Hydros for the pain. Hoping to get a refill. (Actually glowing on them as I type)


The Great Hunt

Thanks to an obscure preview of an anime I plan on intro-ing at our anime club, called Gankutsuou. I have now taken to diving into more classical music. The particular selection of music is Tchaikovsky’s Manfred Symphony. So after that I ran into a massive collect spree. I have a lot of Tchaikovsky to get through its all sounding good.

(UNEXPECTED SIDEEFFECT! – This type of music synchs really well with writing. As most music I try to listen to while writing ultimately distracts me. The magical notes of Classical orchestral have a nice un-distracting flow. In fact it helps block out distractions even!)

Some powerful stuff. (Actually has my toes curling up as I type right now)

Downloaded some Everything But the Girl best off. Nice soft yum yum music. Thanks to @VentureBrosBlog I found out the name of the Techno song that plays at the beginning of second season of Venture Bros. Aquagen feat. Rozalla remix – Everybody’s Free. Been delving into Techno/Trance/House music as a result. Which also seems to have a writing synch effect. Brother game me the Halo: Reach and Street Fighter II The Movie OSTs which are good.


The LMT returns

Very happy that an old friend of mine who I love dearly has contacted me through twitter. Glad to be in touch with her again. Follow my dear dear @KimmyLMT . She is doing well! Yay! And my future apprentice is also doing well in school.



Relationship Status: Single w/Cat (Although I do have like 3 crushes I am under right now. One particular women is soo cool I dunno what I would do if I had courage to… I don’t know.)

Health Status: Standard (Back is better, but need Super Tam to walk me. Gums hurting)

Money Status: Some reserves still remaining after surgery

Car Status: Relatively Clean with Gas in tank

House Status: Semi-Clean need to wash dishes. Make bed more in morning

Work Status: Extremely Bored. No projects to keep me occupied.

Friend Status: Need to hang out with friends more. Sad Panda.

Sleep Status: Bad, moving to a Nocturnal to a Morning midweek is fracking me

OCD Status: Getting kind of annoying with bad thoughts.

Meds Status: Off my meds because of surgery. Not Good

Hope For Black People Status: Hopeful in long run

Hope For Political Apparatus of USA: Grim w/ small dab of Hope

Social Thought: Wish country could grow up and just accept Homosexuals without all the damn lag. People are too homophobic too. I hate casual homophobia the most!

Life Expectancy of United States (As of this post): 20 years tops. (+5 years from last prediction)

Booty of the Month: Rachel McAdams

Celeb Infatuation: Helen Mirren <3 :(

Favorite Dream: Transendant Sex-Marriage Dream

Movie of Week: Starship Troopers

Book Currently Reading: Dhalgren. (One confusing narrative having a hard time breaking into it) (O_o)

Game of the Week: Super Robot Wars OG for GBA.

Meme of the Week:

Closing thoughts: Concerning Jimmy McMillan a lot of people see the dude as a joke. But dammit the RENT IS too damn high. He takes it seriously too. And damn he would have my vote if I lived their just for saying stuff that regular politicians are too scared to say. Well and because of the awesome mustachios too.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dream Log 3 - The Prom, The Marriage, The Transcendence

“Another night of splendid dreams. If I was a pauper and lived in the streets I would still be blessed if I had such dreams”


I have 3 of my more potent dreams collected here for you. Some of these I have tweeted. One I know is totally new. (~_~)


The Prom, The Wedding, The Transcendence
Thursday, September 30

This one began in one of my repeating places. The school cafeteria / lunch line / formal dance.

Imagine a prom set in a regal cafeteria but with college spice thrown in. So I am in line and I am. Paraded through row after row of familiar faces. Some real. Some of the people I only “dream know” know them

So finally I arrive at the cafeteria food counter to pick my food. This I remember quite well. It was a detail feast. The heat lamps made everything a cast of gold. I ended up picking 3 strange meat/glazed pastry type foods. (Anyone remember the young Sherlock Holmes movie. When they hallucinated about the pastries coming to life :/ )
What was really amusing this time was that I got to enjoy my food. Now I usually never can get to eat my food in dreams. I remember deriving joy from the food, though I never became aware of any taste of the food.
Next the dream got weird…..
Well after the lunch line. Though by dream time it was night out and the party was in motion. It was beautiful.

The cafeteria main room was decorated in lace with glowing lights. But it was dark like a starry sky. There was dancing and familiars. The place was cavernous. Somehow I realized I was searching for someone that I loved :/ Yet try as I might I could get to her through crowd.

And then it was as if a veil had been pulled back! And I realized that this woman never returned my feelings and probably thought me a joke. I can recall if she was a real person or if it was just dream memories of the unreal.

It was like having water thrown on me. I realized I was in a Dream! Had I achieved lucid dreaming? It was like my heart was pounding super fast! I swirled around in amazement. Then I wanted to will myself to wake up but I couldn't. I didn't know how.

Simultaneously I felt scared that one should do such things like it would destroy a universe.

So I resigned myself to stay in the dream. No idea how time was passing or even if it did. Dream time is so weird like that. 1 minute can pass or 100 years….

Ah but before me on the dance floor stood an Amazon of a woman. Beautiful, other worldly and towering over me. Maybe 7 ft tall. So of course I hugged her in embrace. Grabbed her booty double handed and asked her to marry me. (O.o) It was that abrupt. Including the feelings of love, rightness… all of that marvelous mix. I was surprised I was not spurn, she accepted me as if she had been always waiting for it.

The scene switched to me carrying her to the marriage bed! I figure it was to consummate the marriage. I did carry her. She clung to my chest and it was odd. Despite her stature I did carry her quiet easily.

So I lay her down on the bed. But things had become weirder as this happened.

It appeared as if I was in a large ritual and ceremony. There were candles all around like thousands. The room lilting and shaded. Lace and goldish print everywhere. There were lines of people in white robes, with a Priest or Guide by the marriage bed. Holding a large tome in his arms, also beckoning like a person presenting for his Master to precede him through a door.

It felt as if an ancient rite and by doing this thing it would alter me in some way. That it might claim my life. I remember a feeling of deep melancholy over me. My lady lay on the bed beckoning me. I was aroused by her magic but also scared.

Then I entered her.

And the whole world disassembled itself. I was sent out of body. Transformed... (._.)

Has anyone ever seen the movie Dune? When paul drunk of the water of life he went on a transcendent journey that changed him. It was like that, with montages of far places. Desert places, and Space time. like I was Paul of dune.

I remember coming to awareness in bed some time later... and I remember it now. I was weak as a baby but the priest man leaned in and told me a year passed. But he also told me that I had made it, I passed. And that was all.

Passed? A test? A ritual? I don't know. But I awoke after that. Disturbing but enchanting. I was lucid at one point but maybe it was a faux awareness of the dream as I still had no control in the end. The water of life? Damn (._.) I took the worm trip through my dream wife. .... that's one for the record books.


Can not find my way home
9:59 AM Sept 11th

ALRIGHT folks! Last nights dreams were just a bit past scary....

This dream revolved around a strange light switch that could alter reality and time…. And let me tell you there was a facet of horror surrounding this premise that had me severely rattled the entire dream.

I ended up going back in time to change some event. This would further mess up my timeline. It wasn’t always time travel though. Sometimes it was reality alteration.

In one instance, it was Christmas but a terrible thing kept happening, and each time a changed it another terrible thing happen. So many rules, each one you stepped across to try to fix it, made things worse.

At one point I was stuck in the altered reality of an altered reality so I had to give up and try to make the best of what I had. I cried bad. This prospect destroyed me.

It is like getting lost in a maze where you thought you knew where the entrance was so you could backtrace, but turn around and it was gone. And no matter how long you try to get back to the path just behind you it would only get you more lost.

All the other travelers except me forgot what happened in the end. I remember a terrible feeling of despair. Like loosing your way, and not being able to fix. And no one knew something was wrong.

At one point a change radiated out from the switch changing everything into ancient China-like lands. Even though we ran, drove, etc. Couldnt escape the change wave. It was hard to describe that change in detail. Like a warping of reality and then there was a ancient Chinese city, with canals and giant constructs all around.

Forgot the second dream cause first was so disturbing. It involved trying to escape from my family home, and I remember my brother chasing after me as I jumped gates and danger was right behind us both. I remember feeling agile and the ease at which we jumped over the fences was incredible.


The Great Hunt
September ???

(This is an odd “not really” two parter, but a connect series of dreams that sometimes reoccur.)
This dream was like a fantasy quest. Your standard fellowship of the ring long quest.

Me and my team were some sort of legendary heroes and our job was to take out an assortment of evil beings.

One took place in a city under siege by creatures not unlike zombies. And some of the people hid on top of our houses. While we fought it out in nightmarish streets.

Another was a battle on a highway at High SPEEEDS! We then had to duke it out on a semi-trailer truck while it plowed through other cars on the highway.

The next one after that was a battle in a subterranean layer. I don’t remember about much of the battles before that, just the vague points I wrote down, but this subterranean cavern was like something out of the Journey to the Center of the earth. Fire and Lava venting on some corners. Huge fields of stalagmites and stalactites. Gas gushing out of vents. And large bridgelike structures. This battle took place against creatures that were rocklike and also were also supple like oily dirt at times. At this point I had strange rubbery qualities to my body, like an elongating supper hero. They compressed on my body and it was as if I was being singed and solidified. With a rocky scab / cancer coating my arms. Then they broke off and I flailed it off and I was rubbery again.

I never really remember defeating any of the evils it just skipped to the next scene.

The next was us infiltrating a school. Elementary. With me as a wizard. Not dressed as a wizard, but as a real wizard with spells. By dream knowledge I knew it.

My male assistant then took my arm and became a female wizard. Which elicited a raised eyebrow from me. He didn’t even act like it was a weird thing.

She put a hat on her head and it then conformed to her head. Shrinking. Very surreal moment. Then she took my arm tighter as we strolled in. That was the end of the dream as I remember it.

The incident involving this school appeared sometimes later. With me as a student at the school. The thing I remember about the damn school is its haunting long white halls. And sometimes I am a teacher or student. Sometimes the children are high school or elementary age. Weird it is like the same one I had from the invasion of the superheroes I posted a while back.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Internet, destruction of our culture? ...

…Or just revealing what lay beneath.

This is something I have pondered on many a time. Mostly after seeing egregious comments on internet message boards.

The level of disrespect and pent up anger than one can detect online at times is frightening. Why? I ask because, what if it is not the internet that brings this out of people. What if most people really are that way inside but do not exhibit it because of the correcting nature of the public eye. (and of course the knowledge that some people in society don’t hesitate to bust people in the mouth, unlike the Internet Warrior)

So what, you say. Does not this point to an enormous conflagration of negative energies building up in society, I return.

I make my home on the internet. Xbox Live, Message Boards, Forums, Articles, Comments. And let me tell you there are some bad things afoot. Youtube comments for example can make a person just lose all hope for humanity.

I have been in Xbox lobbies where it was known that a Woman was also playing. The level of just chauvinist, or creepy behavior is astounding. And then it seemed like some of the teens had an agenda to just rage against her. Why? Why so much pent up aggression.

And well internet racism is just…. Well you know what they say “ An N word a day keeps the doctor away”

These things are perpetrated in the great cloak of internet anonymity sure but that they exist at all is distressing.


Perhaps my worries are baseless. My opposite theory is that perhaps the cloak of anonymity has an amplifying effect.


Perhaps the trend of outrageous behavior is nothing more than the “Shock Jock” syndrome. A subconscious need to relieve the pressures of always having to conform. To always be locked within the bounds of polite society.

All the times you had to hold your tongue, or perhaps even though, I wish I could say this but I cant I am a coward.

The cloak of anonymity gives a way to mindlessly rage and act a fool. A desperate cry to say, “ I am a person, please acknowledge me!”

And yet, if you have ever seen lets say….. Comments on an Article about President Obama…. You see a whole other phenomena. I plan to go into this in a latter blog post. Willful Habitation of Deceptive Realities.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The TL Awards 2010 Annoucements

Almost Time for the TL Awards 2010!!

Last year around December - January I held a little even called the TL Awards on Twitter.

It was nothing much, just me passing out little Kudos for stuff I like that year like the Oscars. But a bit more strange. The time is rapidly approaching where I can do so again. See last year I did it all from scratch mostly the day or 2 before the even. In the end it took me all day to post the damn awards. This time its going to be different!!!

First off I am starting the compiling in advance. Over the next few months. Still its going to be weird. I didnt follow as many people on twitter as I do now. And I want some of them to even send in ideas for awards. Also about the awards..... lost the file for last years so now I have to do em from scratch. All the more reason to get input!

My concerns arent really that high, I hope people realize its all in jest. So I keep the awards light. I want to do awards for like best podcasts and stuff but how to do so when you follow alot of them, like them all, and dont want to hurt feelings. *Punches drywall* Well I might find a solution.

SO FAR the Categories I have are.

Favorite Local Band:
Favorite Band 2010:
Favorite Song 2010:
Favorite Band 2010:
Favorite of All Time:
Best In Show 2010
You Suck Award, Music

Best Movie 2010
Best Performance 2010
Best Character 2010
Best Scene 2010
Heart warmer of 2010
Best Remake 2010
Worst Remake 2010
Obscure Indie Movie
Best movie Event

Best Book Read 2010
Favorite Book 2010
TL recommend of the year
The Leto II Award 2010

Television and Short Programs
Bests TV series 2010
The Firefly Award of Appreciation
The TL's Surprise it Survived Award
TL sleeper hit
Show you didnt see but should see
Best Character TV
Best Actor/Actress
The Hammer To the Head Award

Best Book Read 2010
Favorite Book 2010
TL recommend of the year
Best Voice work of the year.

Manga and Anime
Best Anime 2010
Best Manga 2010
BEst Fight 2010
Best plot event 2010
Best New character
Best Character in Show 2010
Hottest Character 2010 (Male, Female, Trap, (~_^))
Best Special Move 2010

Game 2010
Best RPG
Best FPS
Best Strategy
Best Game Sequence
Best Game Soundtrack
FireFlower Award
The Deus Ex achievement Award
Monetary value of the year award
TL's "Countdown" Map of the Year Award
TL's "Bloc" Map of the Year Award
Greatest Rage Inducer 2010

Random Media
Best Fake Twitter Account
You Suck Award
Hit team ALpha
TL Hero Dedication 2010
TL Nikolai Tesla Award Of the year
Best Media Deluge
The It Stinks awards
Best Website
Website of Most Use
The Wikipedia Award 2010

Best Restuarant
Best Meal
Favorite Bad Snack 2010
Favorite Good Snack 2010
Best Beer 2010
Best PP 2010
Favorite Lunchery 2010
Favorite Food Experiment 2010
Ghost reporting

Secret Crushes 2010
Secret Dude Crushes 2010
History Tweet of the year
Cutest Geek Queen
Legit Geek King 2010
Nullentropy tube 2010
Hwi Noree Award of 2010
Greatest turn around 2010

Random Awards
Greatest FAIL 2010? (BP, Sarah Palin, and John Legends hairline are already in a good close race this year)
Worst Loser
Best Loser
Political Winner 2010? Demos or Converses?
Best Sporting Event
Genius 2010
The Sarah Palin award 2010
TL's Better off Dead 2010

Twitter Awards
Best Tweet 2010
Best Tweets 2010 (Damn this one is going to cause me pain)
Best line 2010
Best obscure reference 2010
Best Curse 2010
Best "I cant, I just cant" 2010
Comedy Winner 2010
Best Agitator
Best Political Activist
Best Provider of Rants 2010
Best RANT 2010
Best Dad 2010
Best Mom 2010
Best Shank
Best 180 in tweet profile
Most famous person I follow 2010
Fresh Baked Cinnamon Rolls 2010
Who I should meet more
Person I want to meet but am Secretly intimidated by
Apprentice Candidates 2010
Person I love but really want to hate 2010
Greatest Rival 2010
Hipster 2010
Best Fallout 2010
Lame 2010
Best FAIL by person I follow
Best Come-up 2010
Interesting Progress
Best Surprise Follow
The "I'm Right Here Rynn" Award 2010
The Phat Baby Award
TL's Small Penis Award 2010
Favella 2010 award
AssHat 2010
Best Troll 2010
Astonishing work in Trolling 2010


Any ideas???????

Please sent to See you in December. You might be winning one.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Writing Method

Well a few people have got me into discussions about writing lately, and someone also asked me about your basic tips in writing. This has gotten me thinking about writing in general and my writing method in particular. So in this blog post I will be going to discuss what goes on inside the Terror and Love when I write a story.


“The Writing Method” by Terror and Love.

One can’t just sit down and write, well let me rephrase that, some of us can not sit down and write. There must be a type of order first when we are talking about my writing. Even if it is just funneled chaos at times. But first.

Disclaimer: yes a disclaimer first. What I will lay down in this is my method of writing. There are of course so many different ways to write. Everyone has their own way of wading into battle. Some of us are influenced by hugely divergent forces and acquire our methods by hugely disperse means. Look at the influence on style and technique alone.

Some are the self taught, some are the amateur just getting his hand wet. Some are the avid readers with a background of reading experience to draw upon, some of us even have formal training and schooling. Then there is the disparate way all our minds work and give birth to idea.

That all said, if your method differs from mine that is perfectly fine, and you should definitely do what works for you. This is an art, not an assembly line that one can just put people into as if they were interchangeable parts.



There is no writing without a topic or story. So one must create first. “No duh TL, we all know that.” Procedurals my dear, procedurals, anyway there is no right way to come up with a story in my opinion. The story itself can take shape from something as fragmentary as a cool concept, or a short conversation between two characters. A particular scene of action. A name.

At this form of conception the idea is just a few little cells barely holding onto life in the womb. But the idea is powerful and romantic and can fill you with great joy, longing and pride.

(ASIDE: I find homage, and inspiration from other works to be a fine source of a story Idea. There is a large difference between plagiarism and being influenced by others works after all. But others paint with too broad a brush in their criticisms and generalizations. I see it all the time and it disturbs me greatly. For example “Inception is a copy of the Dreamscape!” or “Ah someone already did this story”, or “This is a poor mans Isaac Asimov “ or “Simpsons-Did-It” Don’t listen to that BS, as long as you can take a concept and make it into your own unique work I will support you. )


Laying the Framework

One of the first steps in writing is to lay out a good story and define what you seek to accomplish. Aye it is good to come up with a concept sure. But a concept alone is not going help TL turn it into a full novel or even a short story. One of the first things though is to ask yourself a few questions. These are just an example

  • “What do I want to accomplish with this story?”
  • “What goals do I want to reach, what is the overlaying message of the story?”
  • “Do I want to do a disperse perspective approach, with multiple characters?
  • “Will this be from the perspective of one character only?”
  • “Is this thing even worth developing into a real story?”

(NOTE: Not all stories need a specific message. Indeed some are just fun. But I still try to ask myself such things. Sometimes a story might have multiple ideals it is trying to reach even)

After that, you try to build the shape of the new story. Its skeletal structure so to speak. Using an outline is a good way to brain storm and gather ideas. Though it differs between writers. I know some that can sit and just write it all out from scratch.

My story ideas begin with the concept, but then I brain storm as I said, and gather together a group other ideas, ideals, goals, scenes, events I want to happen. Then I string these together to form a more cohesive plot, after I have asked myself what my goals are. This is my Overplot.

Along with plot I try to develop the architecture of the world. Its rules, and known’s and unknowns. And also sometimes a bit of research is in order.

(NOTE: Doing research. (Hey I’m not that anal as to be bothered by a loose difference in specifications of some gun built in 1904. Or why certain political parties didn’t know about gassing out a colony in side 4. I just find that research helps you flesh things out a bit more and can give you ideas. Though more research is important in certain aspects of fiction. If you are writing historical fiction, for example, it might help to for the characters to not sound like the are culturally from ‘99. True, knowing how a machine or science works on a fundamental level is always helpful, but it should never make the writer feel confined. It should only enhance your story. It’s your world darn it!)


Ploting and Scheming

It’s a bit different with short stories, or micro one-off projects. But in a longer story I try to follow the 5 part dramatic structure. The Introduction or exposition, the period of increasing danger, the climax, period of decreasing danger (though decrease is not literal), and the conclusion or resolution.

So we have our Overplot. In addition we have assembled a general outline of how the story is going to develop and its stages. The story out line as you will. The milestones and goals also.

NOTE: It is not unusual for a story outline to only be half fleshed out or half finished before you begin writing. It will grow of itself as you progress. I try not to be too rigid for just this reason. The lil baby ideals are always amorphous until they are well down the line of being written.

At this point I am holding the idea of the Overplot and story outline, in my head, now to the actual body of the work. Let’s get down to the actual writing!


Writing: TL’s Layered Style of Writing

My actual writing style is a mixture freeform and structured. I call it the layered approach. A chapter will have a rough, like super rough outline itself. The frame upon which I will build the rest of the chapter itself, The Order. Afterwards I will add layer upon layer of the different components until it is a sea-worthy cohesive whole. This is art as much as construction. The Free Style.

Step 1) I will go “scene” by “scene” and build the story from there. With little notes here and there as to what is going to happen.

Step 2) Laying down of the dialog is usually my first of real concrete action that forms the bulk of the chapter.

Step 3) These too steps are actually rather interchangable. That is, the fleshing out of action or dialog. (And by fleshing out the actions sometimes I mean literal ACTION action, but also mundane transitions.)

Step 4) Next layer I go back through the main body of the work and add detail, such as describing the environments and further “painting the scene”

Step 5) Read it, Notate and Adjust. During this part of the process, I look at the chapter to see how it flows along. And if I want to or need to change something.

Step 6) The Inevitable Rewrite.

(NOTE: It is not unusual for a story to change as it is being written. That happens to me all the time. So the outline is not set in stone. Its just there to give milestones to reach and a structure. But that structure is not immune to being manipulated if you change your mind.)

Step 7) Reread it.

Step 8) Rewrite / Edit again, this time mostly for errors. I usually don’t worry about grammatical errors during the first run through of the writing of a chapter. THE IMPORTANT THING IS TO GET THE IDEAS DOWN ON PAPER. Some of us are grammar fans though so we cant help but be do this up, me I don’t like to get bogged down when I am freestyling.

(ASIDE: When you are in “The Flow” there is nothing like it on earth. Your brain fires, and your hands move, and the ideas seem to congeal out of the air of their own accord. I have found it is not unlike possession. Its just your full creative side is engaged I guess. I wouldn’t doubt if we sort of become in touch with UnCon and SubCon minds when we do this. Half here and half in the land of creation. But it is a beautiful thing to experience when you tap into it.)

Step 9) After that is all done time to Reread it again!

Step 10.) That’s right! After step 9, you Reread again! Edit errors once more. (I know, it seems redundant but each time I’ll catch errors lol)

(ASIDE: The Beta Writer: Even I miss a lot of stuff, minor errors I mean. So sometimes it is good to have a Beta Writer. One who with read your early baby work and see if you have any grammatical errors or even if what you wrote is confusing to the outside mind. That is, if you can handle someone commenting on your baby. I find constructive criticism quite a necessary thing though. A good Beta writer is thus a fantastic thing to have. Especially one that knows how to help compliment your style into something better with the right criticism and by asking the right questions.)

Afterwards your new chapter is done! Doesn't it feel so good! Cant you just feel the story fertile and growing.

Ah but now it is time to move on to the next one, and so on and so on, until your work is completed and you give birth to it! ( i.e. some form of publishing or sharing with the outside world.) Either that or you are like me and toil and toil until you get distracted by the next big idea and you start the whole process again. Which is why most of my projects never get completed sadly.


Too many ideas, so many distractions, so little time.

But in any case, this is the basic process involved in my methodology for writing. Seems complicated and tedious maybe, but I assure you it is quite the opposite flows quite easily for me. When I can be bothered to write that is. Well I hope you have enjoyed this little look inside the Terror and Love's head. I hope it helps, or entertains, or even sets up a spark within as well. Good luck in your own Endeavors! READ and WRITE world! DO IT!


Discussions? Opinions? Tips? All are welcome.

Friday, August 13, 2010

This Twitter Tip will stop you from Unfollowing Someone RE: The Obnoxious Retweeting Phenomena

Twitter Tips 101: Solution to Obnoxious Retweeting Phenomena


Ever thought to yourself, “Damn I might as well be following this SOB since he shows up in my Twitter Timeline so much.”


“All this person does is retweet stuff, or retweet Famous People”

And Then

Then you think to yourself one day, “Damn I have had enough, this person is my friend but the retweeting is getting so out of hand I might have to unfollow them.”

TL feels your pain!

I mean I like Reverend Run too, but not like that! And just F-U Diddy!



(You can stop the deluge of RT clogging up your Twitter Timeline and here is how.)


STEP1: One go to the offenders Profile page

STEP2: Look for the little Ouroborous-like symbol

STEP3: Click that symbol to stop their Retweets from showing up in your timeline.

(See Picture below)

STEP4: Smile

NOTE: This is possible from the Internet browser, Different Twitter Apps might have the function as well.

Disclamer: Super_Zach is a cool person, Just needed an example Picture. Forgiveness @Super_Zach

Warning!! - There is no way to stop Manual Retweets that I know of so far. So you might still have to unfollow some of these annoying Fethers.




If you type near:(Insert City of Choice) in the search bar, it will show you a list of people that tweet in that city. (See picture below)

For Example: near:Orlando

Not sure if it works, in every city but give it a try.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Cinemagical – Inception Review - No Spoilers

This time on Cinemagical we are to review Inception. (Yes that is the royal we)

First my qualifications. I am a true fan of the cinema, a big difference from a film snob mind you. I love the medium in all its glory and and in all of its shame. I believe there is inherent value in even the worst movies. Even if it is to say, “this is not how you do a movie.” My immersion factor is probably one of the highest known to man. I didn’t lose immersion even in Carnosaur 2. Beat that! Well any way lets get this thing started.



If you follow me on twitter you may have seen my overly annoying reaction to this movie Screaming it from the mountain tops as it were. Well some of that was in jest. But after the giddy glow of the post orgasm has faded, I still find myself thinking fondly of what I experienced in this movie. A good sign.

Is Inception Nolan’s Masterpiece? Is it going to sweep the Oscars? Is it the greatest of the great things invented by man, so you have to decide to not see it because so many people like it and you hate that?


What we do have here though is an incredibly competent, well made movie, that manages to hit the viewer on multiple taste buds at once. It has a multi-layered plot, drama, a charming caste, mystery, good action, beautiful imagery, and it makes you use a lil bit of your brain too.


I’m not going into the plot to much. Since that defeats the purpose of going to see the movie.

What we have here is a world were people can go into your dreams. And by doing so they are able to steal information from your mind. Enter our Mr. Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) a man that specializes in going into others dreams and extracting sad information.

From there the plot expands on multiple fronts. From delving into Cobbs back story, to explaining the world of Dream Extracting, to Laying out Dream rules. And some nice but minor “The implications of it all” philosophy. And then running up to the main plot.

That of the “Big Job” if you are familiar with television tropes.


I must say. It was a joy to experience this world. It was a film were the more the movie went on the more it engaged you, just in pure entertainment alone. It was quite nicely crafted and had many layers to it.

The pacing was one thing I can say was perfect. Disorienting at first (like waking up from a dream), then languid as introspection and the build-up to the run occurs. And then this Pressure as the plot delves deeper and deeper the closer we get to the breakthrough. If I am using my metaphor correctly. Good use of tension.

The music nicely compliments the movie in many places. And is probably one of my favorite soundtracks this summer. Good job Hans Zimmer. In fact I am listening to it as I write this review. It helps pull you into the movie at times, and others helps ramp up the action. Also setting the pace for the more calm or confrontational scenes.

I have to say also, this is probably one of the best caste movies I have seen in a long time. All of the actors in this movie gave rather great performances. Not anything Oscar worthy, despite me being a Major DiCaprio fan. But The film is just just highly competent. Perhaps it is just the nature of the summer movie, were we are used to such mediocrity that a fairly decent performance wows us. The last movie I saw was Iron Man 2 and well, while it was good, it had summer movie over the top outlandishness in it.

The Dynamic Trio! Aurthur <3, Cobb <3, and Eames <3 <3


Congrats to

Leonardo DiCaprio (I am a DiCaprio-Fanboy)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Really was a treat, he played straight man to Leo’s gruff edgy)
Marion Cotillard (A great femme-fatale)
Ken Watanabe (my Boy!)
Tom Hardy (Tom Hardy’s performance as Eames was, well, I may be in mancrushlove with him now)
Ellen Page
Cillian Murphy (No one ever gives Cillian much notice but the dude is actually pretty good)

Special shout-out to some of the bit actors as well. All great.

Dileep Rao
Tom Berenger (Havent seen Tom in years was great to see him)
Michael Caine
Lukas Haas
Pete Postlethwaite

Indeed I had to coin a term for this caste. Called the Ouroboros of Awesome, as they kept stealing the scene from each other, while not diminishing the others.

Mmm mmm. Ms. Cotillard


About the only thing that detracts from the movie, might be the music. Which is weird as I just got through praising it earlier. But even if good and used well through out, at some places in the movie, (Few thankfully) it can be oppressive. And can seem to go on too long where it might not have been needed. Just my opinion.

Confusion Factor
Whenever a movie comes out with a semi-complicated plot, there is chance for you to run into the “I didn’t understand it, so I am pissed” factor people. Let me tell you though the movie is layered, and multi-plotted it is in no way hard to follow. Even though some have said there are plot holes, I haven’t seen anything that you couldn’t piece together yourself.

There is some subtlety to some of the rules of the world of course. And definitely some ambiguity to happenings in the film. I know some people cant handle ambiguity, but it spells things out fairly well I thought. It does require you to make your own judgement at a few points though which is healthy for you.

If you have any theories or things you want to talk about send me a comment.

A Clone? (Dont be facetious)
Some have tried to dismiss this as some sort of clone of existing movies. Usually done by dismissing it before even considering to give it a chance. For those who want to know. It shares little with Matrix, or Paprika, or Perfect Blue. About the only thing they share is that they deal with altered reality/dreams and are pretty damn awesome. Story wise and execution-wise its highly laughable to even think they could be similar.


Verdict – 9/10
Finally a movie that satisfies on many levels. And doesn’t insult your intelligence either. Well made, well caste, well scored. Probably the must see of the summer, truthfully. I know I will be seeing it multiple times. Hope to see you there.

Opinions? let me know.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Games of Christmas’ Past – Metal Marines

Games, of Christmas’ Past

Been planning on doing this type of blog for while. Gonna go into my past and swim in some sweet sweet nostalgia. In which sometimes things ripen with age like wine, but sometimes spoil with age, like milk.

This time I am going to focus on a classic old game for SNES. One near and dear to my heart.

Metal Marines
This is a weird little monster actually. It is a primarily Real Time Strategy game. It was one of my first introductions to the genre and it SO enraptured my attention.

The Find.
I originally found this game in Movie Gallery, in the SNES video game rental isle. Now Movie Gallery was of sufficient awesome that it warrants its own “Of Christmas Past” article. But anyway Video gaming rental was quite the innovation, especially for us money strapped kids. We (The Familial Unit) would make our weekly pilgrimage to MG and stock up on movies and games. By chance they had this little one on the shelf. Lets just say I ended up not playing any of the other games that time, so engrossed was I on this little gem


As I recall this game takes places around 2400 AD. We humans had a pretty advanced society. And even space Colonies of the O’neil cylinder type.

But with advanced technologies comes advanced weaponry. And in a chilling opening sequence we see the Earth breakout into War, not nuclear war, but something that appears to be even worse. Anti-matter perhaps. Because the blast radius doest just scour the land it disentigrates it. In the opening scene you can see that continents are shattered like swiss cheese, turned into inslands by the weapons.

The colonials watch in horror as the Earth nukes itself. But then later, a force lifts from the earth and tries to invade the Colonies. This attack is repulsed and you see the Earth forces, burning up in earth atmosphere.

Some time passes and the Colonials decide to descend to earth with a liberaton force to Free the Earth from the despotic regime. The primary weapon of war used on the battle field is the Metal Marine. Giant Robots from with the games derives its name.

Nice eh? Pretty badass story for a lil kid. I loved the idea so much.

The goal of the game was built around the basic idea of trying to liberate the rest of the remaining islands back from the enemy.

Each area of the planet had a two enemy base areas to take. I think there was about 18 stages. After each initial stage you are present with a cool little scene/pict. After the main base you get to see your ship moving to the next continent.

Remnants of North America :(



Your Base
The first thing you do when starting a new level is deciding where to put your 3 headquarters. This is where you are presented with your island map, this is what you will be seeing most of the time. The 3 HQs are what you must protect. If they are destroyed its game over. And you can place them any where you want on your island.

The maps are in a ¾ Isometric style divided into grids. Buildings, like the HQs are placed, on these squares. Though only HQs don’t require construction time, ever other building or unit will though. Some buildings and units can be upgraded that makes them into better versions.

Speaking of buildings and units….

There are multiple types of buildings that help you in many ways. Your defensive buildings are arguably the most important of them all.

AA missiles. These protect you from enemy missile attacks, which are quite frequent and damn deadly. That’s why the cornerstone of any defense is going to be AA. They are fragile though, easily wiped out by a missile that breaks through your defenses. That’s why yo layer your defense. (Oddly a line of AA doesn’t work as well as a checkered array. Its odd.) Your AA can also be chopped to pieces by a Metal Marine strike force. They cost $15 to build and upgrade to delicious Double AA for $50. So you can have twice the punch in the same area. With enough AA you can stop incoming MM strikeforces as well.

Now that's a well established Anti-Air defense line (~_^).

Bunkers. Bunkers are primary defense against Metal Marines. They can survive a hit from one missile but not two. A common site is your AA taking out one or two missiles only for a last salvo to finally get through and strike. Leaving the Bunkers to defend against a MM strike. Bunkers cost $10 and you will use them a lot. Strategic placement of Bunkers will save your ass.

Mines. Mines are cheap like bunkers. And when you construct them they are camo’d from the enemy. They damage attacking metal marines by HALF!

Radar. Radar Array is kind of expensive early on costing $50 bucks. But they help upgrade your AA’s effectiveness by a certain percentage. You want to strike at these on the enemies base so you can get your own AA through their defenses.


Now for the Offensive!

Missiles. The standard missile. Your basic offensive punch. You and the enemy will be trading back shots with these trying to soften up defenses to storm in Metal Marines. On can destroy a 9 square area of a map per missile. Costs $10. To upgrade to dreaded double missiles. $40. Protect them with AA though. Very fragile. They make good scouts too to check out the enemy island.

Metal Marines. The stars of the show. They cost $20. Metal Marines are so versatile in defense or attack. They can attack a wide area of a map grid when they land. So useful especially upgraded. They have variable equipment, an All-purpose laser, An anti-bunker Cannon (Strong vs Bunkers and weak vs. MM), and an Anti-MM gatling gun (the reverse. Make sure to pick and choose them wisely. Upclose they use their cool melee attack which differs depending on the equipped load out. Upgraded with $45 they become the even tougher gold armored version. It takes like 3 or 4 missles to soft kill a gold MM.

Ah yes nothing more pretty than upgraded Metal Marines.

ICBM. The ICBM is a missile once fired that is unstoppable, and wipes out an entire area of map. But I rarely use them. 1st they are fragile as hell, 2nd they cost A LOT, 3rd if one tile on that fether is destroyed the entire launcher is useless. Much better use for your money if you are in a tough match. But they are fun to build for the wow factor.


There are there main factors to your economy at the start of a level. Money, Energy, Build Times. Normally you aquire money at a rate of $1 per second. And 1 energy per second. Money is used to buy stuff, and energy is used to attack. You modify this based off

Supply Plant. Building a these will increase the rate of income. I usually build one or two. Saving up the required money to build one can be excruciating. Especially when you are recovering from an Enemy attack. I could build 5 AA for the cost of one. But one you get that income coming in you NOTICE.

Energy Plants. Energy plants give you one extra energy. Useful if you need to make a lot of MM attacks. But most times by the time you build up your preliminary base defenses you have a nice energy nest egg to launch a few MM missions or missiles.

Factory. Factories while expensive, $100, are phenomenal. They increase build times for all units/buildings, and increase your missiles replish rates so you can load more missiles to fire. Also effects repair rate.

Bulldozer. Its not really a unit you build but a tool you use to clear map areas decimated by missiles or MM. You cant build on destroyed ground unless you Bulldoze it. Costs $5

Time to Attack.
Once you have a defense starting you get ready to launch and attack. This takes you to the attack screen from which you will decide where to send your units in an attack. At first the enemy map is obscured. Once you send over Missiles or Marines you can see their placement. You can fire 4 missiles (Single or Double) per launch, and one Metal Marine raid, which can send up to 3 marines.

The attack preplanning screen. Anything could be out there waiting be careful.

Missiles are auto they ether hit or they don’t. They can damage a 9 square area. Double missiles pack more punch per launch. They fire staggered, then the MM carrier will head in. Hopefully the enemy AA isnt enough to shoot you down. Once Metal Marines land you decide where to drop them and they will auto-target and take out the nearest buildings. BUT you can control individual Marines and guide them to targets you want. THIS is a very important tactical trick, since you can steer a MM away from a row of Bunkers. And get the AA or missiles first.

Metal Marines storm an enemies headquarters. Shouldnt. be too much of a problem.

That’s the basics of the strategy. The terrain differs depending on the Map. Some are hilly or mountainous and some are flat and hard to defend. Uphill offers a bonus to damage. So storming MM up his is trouble. Some times the enemy map will make for some diabolical defense set ups. Gotta storm a Marine assault or get a good missile attack in to soften things up. You will lose units.

Man I have had some great battles, quite memorable where a last ditch assault managed to bring me back from total defeat. Yeah I have been pushed back to one base and only a few bunkers to my name before…. An enemy double missile can really ruin your day. I’ve had lucky missiles decimate my AA defenses and wreck everything I spend minutes building up. With the only way to survive is to launch a suicide MM attack and find those Enemy launchers! But most times with a good build plan and attack strategy the enemy will not be too much of a problem. Some times I would play with the enemy and let him actually rebuild his bases up some….

The final mission is a tough old broad though. The graphics were quite pleasant if basic. With little details on the maps like old buildings or roads. Usually decimated by missiles though. I remember one match we had trashed each others island so much it was all brown except for our facilities. Also I really liked the inbetween art scenes and the communications you get from the enemy commander of that level during the match.

Uh oh she's gonna gloat....

Not so happy now huh lil buddy? Nothing like a successful assault.


Verdict - 9/10
A grand game for its time. Just on time spent playing, it so pays for itself in entertainment.

Does it hold up? – 7/10
I think it is quite cool still. Played it on emulator, but it’s not the same as I am tempted to cheat with the Save State function. No saves on the SNES. That really would get your blood pumping. Graphics aren’t what we are used too now but oddly old SNES/ Genesis games have a way of retaining their cuteness unlike old PSone games. Its those polygons…

If you get a chance try to find this one, especially if you are a Strategy game fetishist. I eventually ended up buying it after I rented it that time. Got it for like $10.